Coffee chats are coming!

We are excited to continue to organize the online Coffee Chat-Students Driven Research Symposium to get us better connected in this 2020 Fall semester!

For current MSE graduate students, this is a great opportunity to advertise your research results, improve presentation ability, keep research social activity with other people and  enrich CV/resume to become more competitive.

For new MSE graduate Students, it is a great opportunity to have a better understanding of research in different groups, which can help you quickly know which professor you would like to work with/for and keep social!

We will send a reminder before each Symposium, so no needs to worry you may forget the date! If you are interested in presenting your research, please do not hesitate to fill out the form in the link below! If you would have interests in any specific research group that are not listed in the Google Sheet, please feel free to contact us through Changmin Shi (, or Abhishek Kalpattu ( We will try our best to help reach out!

Google Sheet/form link:

Zoom meeting link:

Topic: Student Driven Research Symposium
Time: Sep 25, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every 2 weeks on Fri, until Dec 4, 2020, 6 occurrence(s)
Sep 25, 2020 10:00 AM
Oct 9, 2020 10:00 AM
Oct 23, 2020 10:00 AM
Nov 6, 2020 10:00 AM
Nov 20, 2020 10:00 AM
Dec 4, 2020 10:00 AM

Words for qualifying exam


The mock qualifying exam ends today. It makes students pretty stressful especially when they come across unfamiliar research questions.  Here are some tips of wisdom for preparing the qualifying exam in August 27th.

1. Proofread your proposal and presentation thoroughly.
2. Make sure you know what you are talking about.
3. Rehearse.
4. Have good introductory set of slides and good conclusion set of slides.
5. Make sure the details/background you are giving are relevant to your proposal.
6. Be specific.
7. Take the QE seriously, manage the schedule.
8. Relax too.
9. Don’t discuss the QE question with anyone else, except your committee.

Hope every participating MSE student can pass the incoming qualifying exam successfully.

Meeting for Qualifying Exam Preparation


Prof. Cumings is talking about qualifying exam.


Abhishek is talking about mock qual brief.


Adelaide is talking her experience.


MSGS President Changmin


MSGS Vice president Abhishek

Today, we held a meeting for MSE students about preparation for qualifying exam that will happen in August soon. Prof. Cumings and three senior students Adelaide Nolan, Madeline Morales, and Dylan Kirsch joined our meeting and shared their suggestions and thoughts on how to prepare for the incoming qualifying exam. Thanks for their coming. This meeting includes three main parts.

First, Prof. Cumings gave an elaborate description of the whole process of qualifying exam and provide some helpful suggestions such as time management and content arrangement of proposal during the short and tense two-week research.

Later on, vice president of MSGS Abhishek made a presentation about mock qual exam that is useful for students to get familiar with qual exam in advance and helps students pass the qual exam with higher chance. MSE students who are interested in it can sign up for it before July 6th, and then the mock qual exam will start on July 7th and end on July 21st.

In the last part, three senior students talked about their experiences on qualifying exam. Adelaide Nolan reminded that knowing what you are talking about on all your slides because the committee may ask any questions when you present. Since the exam time lasts only for one hour, it is wise to specialize in your questions. Madeline mentioned that reviewing the research question constantly is important to make sure that you are not deviated from the center scope of question when reading multiple articles. Getting started as soon as possible is what Dylan suggested. And he thought that the mock qual exam benefited him for passing the real qualifying exam. They also mentioned the importance of time management and taking notes during the reading.

All MSE students are welcome and encouraged to participate in the mock qual exam. Hope every student can pass the qualifying exam in August!

Stay safe and healthy!