We are excited to announce that Dr. Zhao is interested in holding a town hall meeting in-person in CHE 1302 Conference Room on Fri Oct. 29th from 3-5pm, to address any concerns and listen to suggestions from Materials Science and Engineering graduate students, or anything that you would like to share with our department chair! Please join the meeting if you are interested in, we will provide pizza there!
Author Archives: wang133
Welcome back event!
We were glad to hold the great Welcome Back Event in this afternoon. About 70 professors and students joined this event and had good ice cream provided by MSE department. As the campus is fully open, all students come back and have in-person classes and activities now. We hope you could make some friends through this event and keep social with people.
![social event_01](https://msgs.umd.edu/files/2021/09/social-event_01-300x225.jpg)
![social event_organizers](https://msgs.umd.edu/files/2021/09/social-event_03-e1631053559837-225x300.jpg)
Information session for qualifying exam
We would like to hold an information session, which we will start off with Dr. Phaneuf’s introduction, followed by a presentation by one of our board members on the qualification exam (QE) prep. After this, we will have four senior students telling their experiences of qualifying exam. Hope this session can help students to have a basic idea of how the QE works and how to prepare for QE.
A summary from Town Hall meeting
The meeting with our chair, Prof. Zhao, was impressive and informative. There are three focuses in the meeting based on the questions students asked:
1. Getting the COVID vaccine & testing.
2. Preparing for Ph.D. proposal defense and Ph.D. thesis defence.
3. Searching internship and jobs.
The solutions are summarized in the following file. Please read it if you are interested in these three listed topics. Topics discussed with our department chair in 2021 Spring Townhall virtual meeting
Town hall meeting with department chair
We are excited to announce that Prof. Zhao, MSE department chair, is interested in holding an online town hall meeting to address any concerns from MSE graduate students, especially discussing graduation, careers, internships etc. The townhall meeting will be held virtually on March 25th from 10-12 PM. Please refer to the email from N Adaire Parker.
Incoming Graduate Vitual Open House
We are going to have Graduate virtual Open House on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd from 1-2:30pm. The schedule includes two parts:
1. 1pm-1:20pm-Dylan and Victoria will present their research (10 minutes per person),
2. 1:25pm-2:30pm-Q&A current student panel.
Welcome to join the Zoom meeting (The Zoom link was sent by N. Adaire Parker on Feb. 15th).
Meet with interested professors
Building better MSE community
The new Spring semester is coming. Please share your feedback and ideas to make MSGS better serve MSE students and build a better MSE community. The link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqjezZ1Vcrq82lOd22ZXrWHGqPT4e7d3ZxXB7i_uUJ5fh6Hg/viewform
MSE holiday party is coming!
The MSE department will hold a holiday party at 3:00pm – 4:15pm on Thursday, Dec. 17. We encourage MSE students to join and enjoy this party. The zoom link will be sent by emails to everyone.
Town Hall meeting with Department Chair
The department chair will hold a meeting on Tuesday Oct 13, from 12pm to 2pm. Every graduate student are welcome to join and ask questions.